Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday, July 23rd

Today the doctors have raised the top of Jim's bed up in order to decrease the amount of fluid that is draining out of the "evd" (the tube at the top of his head that is draining fluid out). They want his brain to be able to absorb more of this fluid and slowly ween him off of the drain tube. We are thrilled that the doctors want to take the "evd" out soon!
Today, Jim has been able to eat some scrambled eggs and banana bread. We continue to pray that his appetite will increase. Jim is still experiencing a lot of pain in his head and neck. Please pray that this pain will go away so he can rest.


  1. My family and I are praying for your recovery and your pain. Stay strong my brother, we want you to feel like " a slice of Heaven " soon.

    God Bless
    Jeff Daley

  2. We continue to pray for everyone in your family. I sincere hope is that your pain subsides soon. It is baby steps to a full recovery but knowing you are in God's hands you will get there.

    Barclay family

  3. Jim and Charlene,
    Tim and I have been thinking and praying for you ever since we heard on Monday. We pray that your pain and everything else you are going through will subside very very soon. A great attitude cures alot of things and I think Jim and Char you both have one of the best. Stay strong you have a lot of people supporting you.
    Love you both
    Love your STM's
    Tim & Dee

  4. Jim you are healing in leaps and bounds! We are so proud of your progress! God is amazing and he is working overtime to get you back to normal. I pray that you will cooperate and let your body heal in God's time...not Jim's time! You must eat and rest to heal. We all love you and will pray continually for your healing.
    Your personal nurse,
    Chris Leone

  5. Hi Jim,

    You are definately one strong man with God's purpose shining through! I have no doubt that you will heal with God watching over you! Get better soon! I am always in prayer for you and your beautiful daughters! Hey you got Trisha wanting to go to church! See how God works! Now if I can get Kim to church we'll all be happy!

  6. Jim it seems the darnedest things happen to the best people. The only way I can justify this is there must be a certain amount of misery to be handed out that most of us can't handle, so God gives it to someone strong like you. Thank you for taking our load and thank God for you.

    We Love You, David & Kay
