Monday, December 28, 2009


We thought we would replace the picture with a current one so everyone could see how awesome Jim looks after all surgeries are completed and his scar heals. He's feeling better every day and we are waiting for the all clear from the Dr next month! We will keep you posted.

God is AWESOME and I hope everyone can see His GLORY in all of this!

We wish you a Blessed and Prosperous New Year!


  1. You two look great in that picture!

  2. Man, I told you you would end up with more hair than

    Hey God, thanks!! Thanks for all you have done and all you have shown us all through this. It is so awesome to see your glory in ways that we couldn't even imagine, let alone "expect", even though you knew all along. We thank you for allowing Jim to continue to lead us, and I ask you to be with him as he continues to do so.
    He has taken what you have given, and glorified your name with it, taken what has happened, and glorified your name with it, but most importantly, he has said over and over again, that this is not a Jim Olson thing, but a God thing, therefore, glorifying your name with it. Thank you for showing us how to lead, thank you for showing us how to be obedient, thank you for showing us how to love, and thank you for allowing us more time with our friend, leader, father, spouse, or whatever relationship Jim may have with each one of us. God you are so awesome we praise you, and thank you, and ask that you continue to be with Jim, the doctors, his family, and anyone that was associated with this. We thank you for Char as well, and ask you to bless her for the strength and love she has shown through this whole ordeal.
    We love you, praise you, honor you, and thank you.
    In the name above all names, Jesus name,
