Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly Update

Jim has had some lazy days of sleeping in, not getting out much due to headaches and he's had some great days where we run around most of the day and he gets worn out and sleeps really good.

All in all, can't complain. He's avoided all the flu bugs so far and we're still on track for Nov. 19th. Keep up the prayers, we're going to need them as the 19th approaches. We're still trusting that God is in complete control of this and feel very confident that things will go well.

11 more days!!!


  1. AMEN and AMEN!!
    You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Tell Jim that when he wants that coffee, and feeling up to it, give me a call. We love you guys are are praying for God's continued will and blessings in your lives!!

  2. Toodles and continued prays and support from the castaways in Oklahoma. We plan to be up there around the Thanksgiving holiday. Hope we can get together and enjoy your company. Love you guys and God bless!!
