Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back to Church!

All together, Jim had a great day. This afternoon he had a pretty bad headache after his haircut, but he recovered just in time for church! He did a FANTASTIC job and we are extremely proud of him!!

Jim got a chance to meet some of the paramedics that helped save him on July 19th and got a chance to publicly honor them. He also recognized the Medical Response Team at church and the 2 people that performed CPR. It was very emotional for everyone to see him on stage for the first time and also emotional for him, not a dry eye in the house! He ended his talk with a prayer, and this time, he said AMEN!!

He is excited about the 2 services tomorrow and can't wait to see everyone.
Hope you can all make it!!


  1. We are so happy for you guys! It is such an answer to prayers! and the fact that Tricia got baptized is icing on the cake! WE LOVE YOU!!!

  2. It was so good to have you back home. How I wish I was there to observe you guys baptizing Tricia. What a glorious day. Don't forget Cafe West, you name the date & time.

  3. Jim, Char and family,
    May GOD grantyou always
    A sunbeam to warm you
    A moonbeam to charm you
    A sheltering angel so nothing can harm you
    laughter to cheer you
    faithful friends near you
    And whenever you pray
    heaven to hear you.

    JIM, CATHY the family plus one
